What is speech and language therapy?
The term speech, language, and communication needs (SLCN) describes difficulties across one or many aspects of communication including:
Problems with producing speech sound accurately
Problems understanding language (making sense of what people say)
Problems using language (words and sentences)
Voice problems, such as hoarseness and loss of voice
Problems interacting with others. For example, difficulties understanding the non-verbal rules of good communication or using language in different ways to question, clarify, or describe things.
Some SLCN are short term and can be addressed through effective early intervention. Others are more permanent and will remain with a person throughout their childhood and adult life.
What do SLTs do?
When children are referred to NEW Options, we will:
Assess their speech, language and communication skills
Provide direct therapy tailored to children’s specific needs
Devise SMART programmes to support children at home or in school
provide advice and support -
Write reports detailing children’s current speech and language abilities
Review and monitor children’s progress
Making therapy fun
NEW Options believe that sessions should be fun and motivating, as children make the most progress when they are fully engaged.
For this reason, we use a range of different games and activities within therapy sessions to suit the individual child.
We strive to support families and school staff in functional, practical ways, led by the needs and wishes of the young person and their wider network of family and friends.
Our specialisms
Pre-verbal/Early language skills (Attention and listening skills)
Global delay (General skill development)
Language delay/disorder (Understanding and use of spoken language)
Phonological delay/disorder (Speech sounds)
Stammer/Stutter (Ability to talk fluently)
Training packages for education staff
NEW Options also offer training to educational staff to help develop their awareness, knowledge, and skills in supporting children with speech, language and communication needs:
Getting Involved – Supporting Children with Speech Programmes
Getting Involved – Supporting Children with Language Programmes
Getting Involved – An overview to stammering in your setting
The Foundations of Phonics
Working in Partnership – Speech and Language in your Setting
Therapy Support Strategies – Integrating SaLT within your Setting
Bespoke training
If you would like a training session focusing in more detail on a specific area, please get in touch. NEW Options are always happy to develop training packages to suit individual settings’ needs.